Thursday, 13 August 2015

Stick and stones

"You're too little to be in this class. You're a shrimp."
"I'm not a shrimp. I'm a person."
You're a shrimp. You're name is 'Shrimpy.' Ha, ha."
"I don't wan to be a shrimp. A shrimp is a little fish.I'm a boy."
(Sprung & Froschi, 2005, p. 95)

We've all heard that phrase; 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'
Some of us may have even said it at some point in our lives, but reality is that words do hurt.

In Sprung, & Froschi, (2005) it discuses this idea that words can hurt and how we can approach this topic in a classroom environment or an early childhood centre (it may need to be adapted slightly to suit the children's ages and stage's). They use the above dialogue as a puppet show to show to the children and to get the children to think about the situation and how it could be hurtful.

         Sprung, B., & Froschi, M.(2005). The Anti-bullying and Teasing Book for preschool classrooms. United States of America: Gryphon House, Inc.

          [Photograph]. Retrieved August 8, 2015, from