Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Bully's Victim

Being bullied by someone else is never a nice thing to experience, when someone is bullied it could lead to a lot of things; including low self-esteem, self harming,becoming introverted and withdrawn, anxious or they may feel isolated.

According to Rigby, 2003 there are two different types of bully victims;

1) The passive victim; who is one that shows no fear, by not responding at all or being overly emotional whic could both lead to more bullying as the bully may feel they are getting the reaction that he/she was wanting.

2) The Resistant victim; who sees the bullying as a challenge to them and finds ways to 'get even' or to 'fight back'.

(Both diagrams found in Rigby, 2003, pp. 13-14.)


Rigby, K,. (2003). Stop Bullying: A Handbook for Schools. Australia: Australian council for Educational Research, ACER Press Ltd.

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